So, can any one of you guess what all these things have in common? Well, besides being a few of my favorite things!
A hint ... it is coming up in April and I have been so excitedly talking about this for months!!!
It is the Makerie Sewing Retreat in Boulder, CO!!!!!!!!!!!
What is this retreat and what does that have to do with a few of my favorite things? Well, I will tell you! The retreat is three fabulous days of sewing, yoga, hikes in the gorgeous Flatirons, good food, lovely little cottages, and fantastic crafty company surrounding you all day. In case you wanted to have that topped, the instructors for the classes are some of the best there are! When I first received the information from Ali, founder and owner of The Makerie, I took one look at the list of instructors and thought "How can I NOT do this?"!!! For those of you who know the long hours and many days that I put into RPS, I thought a well-deserved weekend of feeding my creative soul was in order. And the Makerie Sewing handed it all to me in one fabulous package! And it is in my old college stomping grounds - Boulder - to boot!
Okay, now for what all these things have to do with each other? They are all lovely products from my instructors!!! Yes, that is Amy Butler fabric from Amy Butler Designs, and stitching patterns from Jenny Hart at Sublime Stitching, and the great Design-It-Yourself Clothes from Cal Patch, and patterns from Liesl Gibson at Oliver & S and the Stitching Society patterns. And, yes, I will be taking classes from all of them!!!!!! Can ya believe it? I feel like a kid waiting for Santa to arrive. It feels so magical to me.
Other instructors include Kaari Meng (French General), Heather Jones (fab quilter, just watched her demo at QuiltCon), and Tamar Mogendorff of soft sculpture fame!
Sound fantastic??? There are limited spaces available! They will be closing registration on Mar 27th so do it now!!! You can register online here! Mention that you are coming through Rock Paper Scissors and you will get $50 off. If you sign up, email me so we can arrange local transportation!
You will not regret this one. Feed your creative soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!